We are excited to announce that Worship Leader Institute 2025 will be heading to Del City, Oklahoma!
WLI Mission
WLI Details
As a song leader, you understand you've been charged with a sacred task. You take your role and calling seriously, giving your best for God's glory. Worship Leader Institute was created to help support you with resources, access to materials, instructors, peers and advanced techniques!
What’s a song leader to do?
For decades there have been scarcely any opportunities to study a cappella worship leading in an academic setting. Only in the past few years have universities begun instituting degrees in worship music. And even these programs won’t give you the secrets of the worship leaders who get invited to the big conferences – the ones who light up the room and get everyone singing. Such courses can’t because they’re concentrated on Bible and music fluency almost exclusively. And who’s got four years to invest, anyway? You want to give your best for God and your congregation, but you’ve got to lead worship now.
Robert King teaches a session
What if you could get all of these secrets in a week? Sound like a great opportunity? That’s what Keith Lancaster, founder of Acappella Ministries, has created with The Worship Leader Institute: The world’s premier training resource for comprehensive a cappella worship education.
How are we able to load so much content into one week? It’s simple because many of the secrets themselves are simple. In fact, subconsciously, you already know much of what makes for powerful, charismatic worship leading. It’s a matter of putting in the right effort and being coached in that effort.
To unlock your potential as a worship leader, you need to:
Learn the fundamentals, so you know what to practice.
Find a safe, comfortable outlet to practice and practice.
Get feedback from experts and peers.
The Worship Leader Institute
WLI uses this four-tiered structure and only includes the most relevant principles for worship leaders. This helps us cover a lot more ground in a lot less time. The time may be brief, but please understand that this is an advanced course for those willing to dedicate themselves to intensive coursework. We explore nearly every facet of what a worship leader does and what a worship leader needs. And it turns out, it’s a lot more than just starting and leading songs.
Worship leader Institute takes a holistic approach. As the premier training resource for comprehensive a cappella worship education, WLI's curriculum centers on what we call holistic worship leading. Core competencies include:
Bible Study - Scripture Memorization - Expressive Scripture Quotation
Stage Presence - Body Language - Directing - Public Prayer
Transitions - Breath Control - Tempo Management - Dynamics/Contrasts
Extended Rests, Holds, and Cut-offs
And more!
These abilities represent what we consider to be a non-negotiable skill set for effective worship leaders. Holistic worship classes serve as the foundation for the institute, but you can expect a lot more after you apply to take part.
Advanced topics also addressed during Worship Leader Institute cover practical conventions for:
Music Theory/Ear Training
Voice Care and Management
Spiritual Growth and Communion
Worship Planning
Worship Technology
Vocal Tuning
and Conflict Resolution
Camaraderie is an integral component of your success at the Institute. Students come from all over the world to be a part of this intense, weeklong boot camp of practical skill training and spiritual growth. As such, we encourage bonding through paired exercises and shared meals. After the Institute is over, you will be added to a private networking group for alumni, allowing you to utilize other students’ experiences and feedback well into the future. We feel this network is one of the most valuable ongoing resources provided. Through Worship Leader Institute, you can equip yourself with the tools that fit your calling while cultivating a skill set and relationships that will last through eternity!
Have more questions? Please email wli@acappella.com
WLI uses this four-tiered structure and only includes the most relevant principles for worship leaders. This helps us cover a lot more ground in a lot less time. The time may be brief, but please understand that this is an advanced course for those willing to dedicate themselves to intensive coursework. We explore nearly every facet of what a worship leader does and what a worship leader needs. And it turns out, it’s a lot more than just starting and leading songs.
Worship leader Institute takes a holistic approach. As the premier training resource for comprehensive a cappella worship education, WLI's curriculum centers on what we call holistic worship leading. Core competencies include:
Bible Study - Scripture Memorization - Expressive Scripture Quotation
Stage Presence - Body Language - Directing - Public Prayer
Transitions - Breath Control - Tempo Management - Dynamics/Contrasts
Extended Rests, Holds, and Cut-offs
And more!
These abilities represent what we consider to be a non-negotiable skill set for effective worship leaders. Holistic worship classes serve as the foundation for the institute, but you can expect a lot more after you apply to take part.
Advanced topics also addressed during Worship Leader Institute cover practical conventions for:
Music Theory/Ear Training
Voice Care and Management
Spiritual Growth and Communion
Worship Planning
Worship Technology
Vocal Tuning
and Conflict Resolution
Camaraderie is an integral component of your success at the Institute. Students come from all over the world to be a part of this intense, weeklong boot camp of practical skill training and spiritual growth. As such, we encourage bonding through paired exercises and shared meals. After the Institute is over, you will be added to a private networking group for alumni, allowing you to utilize other students’ experiences and feedback well into the future. We feel this network is one of the most valuable ongoing resources provided. Through Worship Leader Institute, you can equip yourself with the tools that fit your calling while cultivating a skill set and relationships that will last through eternity!
Have more questions? Please email wli@acappella.com