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Singing Cruise Vacation with Acappella featuring Cruiser’s Photos

My wife, Sharon and I love cruise vacations, and have sailed on and hosted many. However, my favorite cruises have always been the ones that include a large group of Christians. The fellowship is amazing! In fact, we have so much fun within our private party, which is a subgroup of a larger group of passengers […]

Sneak Preview of Brand New Release “Exalted God”

The production process of a Praise & Harmony a cappella worship album is both tedious and time consuming. After combining the voices and multiple takes from the several-day recording session in the hot Texas summer, final edits and mixes require hours of studio work to complete. One of the final steps finds me going into […]

Jerry Rushford on Timeless Hymns

If you’ve never heard Jerry Rushford share the historical backgrounds of favorite hymns, you have missed a special treat. My bucket list includes joining a trip to the U.K. with Dr. Rushford, who hosts hymn tours to the U.K.  Recently, Rushford appeared on CBS’s Sunday Morning in this clip: Our children were blessed to be in England […]

"Take The Lord With You" singing mission in Grand Cayman

Here’s another aspect I love about a cappella congregational singing — if you encourage everyone to sing whole-heartedly regardless of ability, and if you invest time equipping people to sing harmony, the results can be stunning! Even small groups can produce a joyful sound that brings to mind the robust volume typical of a much greater number.  Check out this video taken by […]

Georgetown Praise And Harmony Workshop

Three congregations of Georgetown, Grand Cayman joined together to host a Praise & Harmony Workshop in December. This opportunity was the very first time that a  Praise & Harmony congregational workshop was combined with an Acappella concert. This particular mission trip turned out to be very special because of the singers from across the United […]

Testimonies from the P&H recording of Righteous God

Hear believers’ moving testimonies of those who auditioned and diligently rehearsed to record the Praise & Harmony congregational worship projects.  Find out more about how to audition for the next recording here at PraiseAndHarmony.com 

Praise And Harmony Singers “Listen To Our Hearts”

The volunteers who comprise the Praise & Harmony Singers meticulously prepare to record these stellar worship projects. Learn more about how to audition for the Praise & Harmony recording process here: https://keith-lancaster.squarespace.com/recording/

Speaking to One Another in Song

Have you ever noticed how we usually sing to the back of the head of the person sitting in front of us? Wouldn’t it be strange to carry on a conversation with someone and never see his or her face?  The Bible says, “Speak to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs,” yet we […]